Nelly Korda shares the three drives you need to know how to hit.

March 28, 2024

The view from each tee box is unique, so when you have a driver in your grasp, it’s valuable to know how to play more than one kind of shot. Uplifting news: You don’t need to be an ace to hit different them.

At the point when I won the KPMG Ladies’ PGA at Atlanta Athletic Club in June 2021, I really wanted some tee shots I could depend on when I expected to hit a fairway — and afterward different shots when I truly expected to hit one out there.

I’ll show you how to hit my three go-to tee balls, beginning with the one you’re likely generally intrigued by: the power shot.

To get some additional yardage with your driver, you don’t need to swing harder than expected. All things considered, address the ball with more weight on your back foot, around 70% (above). It makes a more strong base, so you can keep up with equilibrium and increment the possibility raising a ruckus around town in the perfect balance. This position additionally will assist you with getting the ball on the rise gave you play it far enough forward.

Assuming you hit up ready, you’ll send off your drives higher with less reverse-pivot, and that makes more distance. I like the visual of the ball being to some degree some place close on my left side heel. It advances great expansion for longer drives and causes me to feel like I can actually crush it. Peruse on for my other two tee shots. You’re likely considering what I’m doing here (above).

This is my one-gave drill to assist me with figuring out the sort of swing I want to make when I can’t bear to miss the fairway. I really use it as a feature of my pre-shot everyday practice. I’ll make sense of how for do it in a second on the whole, consistently make sure to check your arrangement before you start. I’m talking everything: feet, hips, shoulders, clubface, and so on.

Allow yourself the best opportunity to raise a ruckus around town before you at any point take the club back by ensuring you’re not arranged such that will place the ball in the harsh. It’s a failed to remember essential on the novice level, however we’re continually looking at it on visit. Presently it’s the ideal opportunity for the one-gave drill.

To do it, take your hold with your right hand provided that (you’re a righty) while propping the highest point of your left-hand fingers under your right elbow.

Keeping your left arm twisted at a 90-degree point, make one-gave practice swings. Go to the highest point of your backswing, and afterward swing down somewhat past where the ball would be. You’ll most likely need to do this a couple of times until you truly get a decent vibe for the plane your arms are swinging on.

I see a ton of novices circling the club moving around on different planes, and it’s a main explanation they can’t find the fairway as needs be. Why? It makes it much harder to convey a square clubface into the ball. Now and again they can pull off it, yet entirely it’s not solid. That is the reason I like to do this drill before I take the club back.

It assists me with feeling how the arms ought to move the club during a decent on-plane swing. In the event that you can remain on plane returning and down, you’ll allow yourself the best opportunity of a square clubface at influence. In the event that you’re similar to pretty much every golf player I play with, you need to have the option to hit a major, high draw off the tee.

That is the gone for righties that begins somewhat right of the objective yet bends back toward it. It’s a decent ball trip to check out, and it has a ton of utility in the event that you can do it on order. It’s my stock shot on visit.

There are a great deal of ways of getting the ball to draw, yet it occurs for just a single explanation: At influence, the clubface is available to the objective however shut to the swing way.

So the primary thing you want to do is ensure your swing way comes from inside the objective line on the downswing. In the event that your clubface is shut to this way however open to the objective when it meets the ball, you’ll get that draw.

To assist with swinging down from within, set up with the arrangement of your shoulders pointing right of the objective line while your hips and feet are still in accordance with it.

Then, at that point, swing along your shoulder line, and the ball ought to draw. Another note: Just tee the ball so about portion of it is over the highest point of the driver.

Any higher and you risk popping the ball up and losing distance. I trust the tips for these three drives sound basic. How could you need to make it any harder to hit them on order?