Beau Hossler has verified that he and Scottie Scheffler were close to having a physical altercation during their college days due to an incorrect ball incident.

March 29, 2024

Scottie Scheffler appears to be incredibly calm and modest when not on the golf course. However, once he steps onto the greens, it’s clear that his competitive drive is fierce – as expected from someone who strives to emerge victorious in every tournament they participate in.

To our knowledge, Scheffler has never displayed his intense passion in the form of throwing or snapping a club. However, an incident did occur during his time as a Longhorn when he became visibly frustrated on the course due to a disagreement with former teammate and current PGA Tour player Beau Hossler, according to their shared golf coach at Texas.

Fields commented on the nearly physical altercation that occurred between Scheffler and Hossler, which originated from a mishap where freshman Scheffler hit Hossler’s ball while playing in separate matches but grouped together. The event took place at Lubbock as part of a one-day competition hosted by competing team Texas Tech Red Raiders with two session days. As Scheffler had lost his morning match already, he was worked up prior to the incident occurring.

During the afternoon round, Hossler and Scheffler each took their drives on a par 5 hole. One of them exceeded the other by 15 yards distance-wise.

According to Fields, Beau passed by a golf ball and upon looking at it, assumed that he had outdriven Scottie by 15 yards for some unknown reason. While they continued walking without noticing the ball further, Scottie did not pay much attention to it.

After hitting his shot and reaching the next location where another ball was present; when Beau’s turn came up next- he noticed this new golf ball lying on the ground saying “This is not my ball.”

“It was as if Mount Vesuvius had erupted right beneath us,” he remarked, describing the scene. “Scheffler’s fury knew no bounds when he realized that he had struck the incorrect ball; without a second thought, he dashed 260 yards up to the green at lightning speed, snatched it off its spot and raced back towards Beau. He hurled the ball at his feet in anger only for Beau to calmly make amends by taking shot correctly- now Scottie lagged behind losing hole.”

He had recently lost a golf hole, but the pain was still fresh. As they walked towards the green, tensions rose and arguments ensued. Eventually, at the next tee box on a par-3 hole, I intervened by telling Beau that we would not play any further until he apologized to Scottie for his behavior.”

Despite some initial resistance, Hossler eventually consented to apologize and the matter was resolved. During the post-round press conference at Houston Open on Thursday, a reporter resurrected the issue by questioning if coach Fields exaggerated or completely fabricated it since Scheffler is currently in excellent form and Hossler started strongly. To this inquiry, Hossler confirmed that it was wholly accurate and not inflated whatsoever.

“It wasn’t overinflated, that’s for sure. If anything, Coach Fields probably let out some air,” Hossler stated regarding the ball in question. In preparation for the regional tournament, they participated in a casual match where he was paired with a player from New Mexico while his coach played against another opposing team member also hailing from New Mexico. As Hossler described: “Lubbock can get incredibly windy.”

Hossler went on to say, “I believe the second hole is a blind par 5. We both made good drives down the middle of the fairway and as I approached where my ball should have been, I noticed two balls on the ground.

Initially thinking they were mine, I walked past one towards what ended up being another player’s shot about 10 yards ahead of me. Meanwhile, he hit his shot behind us but when it was time for me to take my next stroke, I realized that neither of those balls belonged to me.”

Although we both played with a Titleist 3 that had a Longhorn symbol on it, our markings were unique. While one of us identified their ball, I didn’t have any distinctive marking—much to the other player’s displeasure. However, in response to his frustration about hitting my ball by accident and receiving no penalty for it, I reasoned that ultimately he was responsible for playing the wrong ball; not me.”

Interestingly, Fields shared that Hossler had expressed the same sentiment in January but he eventually apologized. After almost ten years have passed, Hossler still maintains his belief that Scheffler was to blame – a trait of unwavering determination worth acknowledging.

Hossler stated that the deal was not beneficial and lacked significance, but their strong inclination towards competition led to it. He added that what made the golf team at Texas exceptional was that every member of the team possessed an impressive or decent level of skill combined with a fierce competitive spirit. The desire to outdo one another drove them all constantly.

It was clear that a penalty had been made, and he did not seem pleased about it – an understandable reaction. While I do acknowledge my own mistake in failing to confirm whose ball it truly was, ultimately the fault lies with him as the only one who hit the wrong ball. Regardless of this error, however, it still makes for an interesting anecdote.

According to Hossler, the disagreement only endured for two hours. He explains that having a strong friendship allowed them to reconcile and make amends during their plane ride back home.