These ladies back Geri Halliwell in Horner examination.

February 26, 2024

The inside autonomous examination concerning Red Bull Hustling group manager Christian Horner has been progressing for quite a while.

For his significant other, Geri Halliwell, this will without a doubt be a troublesome time. Luckily, she can depend on help from her Zest Young ladies.

The charges made towards Christian Horner are causing a ton of distress not long before the beginning of the new Equation 1 season.

His significant other, Geri Horner [Halliwell], has shown that she will openly uphold her better half with respect to the examination. Horner has uncovered that he feels extremely upheld by his loved ones.

Geri gets support from the Zest Young ladies Geri Horner can likewise find support from her previous young lady bunch, the Zest Young ladies. Alongside four additional ladies, Halliwell is an individual from this band.

In a meeting with The Sun, Flavor Young lady Mel B uncovered that the band is behind Geri. “We have a WhatsApp gathering and we have sent messages,” the English vocalist said.

Horner actually denies all claims against him. At the point when the examination will be explained isn’t at this point known.

There are a few group who guarantee that the assertions will be made before the beginning of the Recipe 1 season.