Bearman opens up on chat with Vettel.

Bearman opens up on visit with Vettel Oliver Bearman has uncovered that he got a salutary message from Sebastian Vettel following his Ferrari debut.

The adolescent moved forward without any Carlos Sainz at the Saudi Middle Eastern Terrific Prix and was exceptionally commended for his presentation.

Accordingly, salutary messages poured in for Bearman, however one message specifically stood apart to the 18-year-old.

He said: “I got a ton of congrats and furthermore amazing good fortune messages before the race. My number one was from Sebastian Vettel. I honestly love his since the good ‘ol days. Up until he resigned I was continuously pulling for Seb, so to receive a message from him was truly exceptional.

“To realize that he was watching me put a touch of strain, yet it was a decent tension.”

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